Certified Translation
What is a Certified or Sworn translation and when do you need it?
Certified translations
Our platform connects you with official sworn translators to receive high-quality certified translations. In just one step you can get a free quote including a delivery date. You can then immediately confirm your quote and safely pay online. This ensures you will receive your sworn translation on time.
● Available in all languages
Professional translations with certification
Do you need a translation for official purposes, for instance for a public authority, institution or court? In that case you need more than just a regular translation. You need a certified or sworn translation of your documents. You can use our platform to order a sworn translation from our official certified translators, who can deliver a translation with a certification. Request your free quote now!
What is a certified translation?
A certified or sworn translation is an official translation that has been certified by a sworn translator. A sworn translator is a translator that meets all legal requirements and has taken an oath before the President of the Court of Appeal.
We only work with official sworn translators who meet our strict quality requirements and are duly registered in the official Database of translators and interpreters.
Why choose us?
If you order a sworn translation from us, you can be certain that we will only work with official certified or sworn translators who meet our strict quality requirements. We will deliver an accurate and correctly certified translation within a few working days. By applying their declaration of certification and a signature, our official sworn translators confirm the accuracy and completeness of the translation. You will receive the translation in pdf format and also a hard copy by registered post if requested. This ensures you will receive a professional and legally valid translation to be used for official purposes.
Avoid costly mistakes
Translating is not a regulated profession, so everyone can call themselves a translator. The profession of sworn translators, however, is strictly regulated by law. If you need a translation for public offices, authorities or courts, the translation needs to be done by a sworn translator. Avoid paying for a translation that is not accepted for official purposes and always work with official sworn translators. We only work with experts who are registered in the official Database of translators and interpreters.
Sworn translations for international use
If you want to use your translation abroad, you often need an apostille or legalization. We can take care of these formalities for you and request the relevant authentications from a ministry, consulate or embassy. Be sure to visit our Apostille page to request a free quote for a translation with apostille.
What our customers say
How does it work?
You can order and receive your sworn translation in just a few easy steps: